Bias Incident Value Statement

Living environments on and off-campus provide spaces where students develop and grow through their interactions with each other. Bringing together students with various backgrounds, life experiences, values, beliefs, cultures, and other identities provides opportunities for impactful conversations and experiences that allow students to learn from each other. In a large, diverse community, it is also possible for individual behaviors and actions to negatively impact other students, both intentionally and unintentionally.

Student Living supports a living environment free from hostile expressions and behavior targeted towards another person or their property because of their real or perceived identities. SL supports the University’s definition of bias, as detailed on the Stop Bias and Hate website. Reported bias or hate incidents that violate University policy, or state, local, or federal law, will be investigated and resolved according to the procedures described in the Student Conduct Handbook or applicable faculty and staff policies. However, not all bias or hate incidents violate University policy or the law. The University will respond to such incidents by connecting impacted parties and communities with appropriate education, support, and resources.